Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter Wonder (why I'm here) Land

Well winter is officially here in Northeast Ohio! 9 inches of snow fell on our house last night. The snow shovel is out and working overtime. I’m not a particular fan of winter in this part of the country, coming from Oregon I’m used to rain, not frozen white stuff, oh well after 22 years you would think I’d be over it.

It does tend to bring us all a bit closer together, which is a good thing, the holidays, family and friends gathering and such. These days I tend to look for ways to draw closer to the ones I love and cherish as well as build new bonds with people that share similar ideals and thoughts; like you. If all of us looked at our similarities a little more instead of completely focusing our attention on our differences maybe we wouldn't find we were so different after all.

I once watched a series of utube clips about a guy that traveled around the world showing how we all had similar daily things we did. He would start his day and find a coffee shop or stand. He couldn't speak the language of the vendors but one thing they could do was share a cup of coffee or espresso together and a pastry of some sort. The point being we can get along over a cup of coffee because we have something in common.

So as we head into winter in the northern part of the world keep your snow shovels sharp and your cocoa hot and watch the mail for those spring seed catalogs and don't be afraid to shovel the elderly couple’s sidewalk next door and reach out to your neighbors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a warm message, at such a chilly time :)