Tuesday, November 18, 2008

T. Boone Pickens Saves America

T. Boone Pickens made a lot of money on domestic oil production. Simple said, “I was a good geologist and found a lot of oil reserves.” I like what he says. In simple terms we need to free ourselves from Middle East oil and quickly.

T. Boone is an interesting fellow. In recent interviews one interviewer tried to corner him by asking, “Aren’t you in this just to make money?” T. Boone answered back, “Any business person would hope to make some money, but my standard of living is not going to get any better.” Simply put T. Boone isn’t in this for purely self serving interests.

T. Boone found that in the middle of the USA from southern to northern boarder we have some of the strongest most “consistent” chartable winds in the world. He is moving ahead with establishing a chain of wind farms there, which will have a bonus of putting a lot of out of work people and struggling farm families back to work! Jobs in good clean renewable energy. T. Boone is even being so bold as to say we need to convert all of our 18 wheeler semi trucks over to natural gas. The 18 wheelers account for close to 35% of all the oil imports to our country! It seems we have huge cheap reserves of natural gas in the USA. This by the way just happens to be another clean burning fuel.

Another thing that will have benefits is when Obama changes our infrastructure is if he would add bike lanes everywhere. Make it affordable, convenient and appealing to commute on a bicycle. Bicycles equal more jobs and more green transportation plus the bonus of shedding tons of unhealthy American weight.

I for one believe it’s high time we make the change to a strong self sufficient economy. One that is not dependent on Middle East oil, creates green jobs and preserves and heals our environment. It’s time for us to get the oil habit off our backs and become a great country once again.

Check out the Links I Like section of my blog for information on T. Boone Pickens Plan, Building your own recumbent cycle at Build Your Own Recumbent, folding bicycles at Bike Friday or for general biking information check out Century Cycles blog. Enjoy!

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