Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Direction

Well it's been a long, very long election and it's finally over! This had to be a record turn out at the polls. It seems Obama has helped turn a corner for much of the world. It seems as if the last eight years of plain old mismanagement are finally coming to an end.

Watching the news this morning I found it very interesting how much the rest of the world was watching "our presidential" election. There were shots of the European community cheering; the Israelis were cheering and more were cheering. It seems the rest of the world is as glad to see the end of the reign of GW as we are.

Obama and his advisors won't be able to untangle the mess GW and Cheney have gotten us into overnight, but at least they are willing to start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself! Yeah Obama! Here's to our future!