Sunday, April 28, 2013

Eight New Cigar Box Ukuleles - Handmade!

I have just completed eight new Cigar Box Ukuleles! I'm very excited about this. It shows me that can produce several at a time. One in particular was a great build for me. It is a 112 year old Cuban Cigar Box! Made in Julio (July) 16, 1902. Pre-Castro revolution. This was interesting for me to come across this old Cuban cigar box since we were in Havana, Cuba in October of 2013.

We loved the everyday people there and can't wait to go back and learn more about them.

I was in our local heritage hardware store talking with the owner, Richard, about what I do (build instruments out of cigar boxes). Richard had been telling me about this old cigar box he had found at a garage sale. I finally asked to look at it.

Well it was in sad shape with decades old motor oil completely soaked into an entire corner. "Nuts Bolts" was scrawled on one end with a Magic Marker. I saw that it was from Cuban and thought I'd take it and at least put it away for a later project.

I decided to go ahead and try to restore this great old cigar box. It was a real chore to get it even halfway presentable. The motor oil was simply not coming out. I finally found a product at Sears Hardware that you pour on concrete to soak up oil. I figured I didn't have anything to loose and picked up a bottle of it. It turns to powder after 2 or 3 days. Well it worked! Here's where that poor old box is today... after a lot of 'elbow-grease' that is. Check out this link if you would like more information on this Grand Old Cuban!

Take a look at all eight Cigar Box Ukuleles

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