Friday, November 5, 2010

Amazing 107 Year Old Piano Player

I was first introduced to this amazing youtube video by one of my best friends.  Her ex-husband and close friend, Hollywood producer Nick Reed, has done us all a great service by producing a documentery on the life of Alice Herz-Sommer.

Alice is the oldest living holocaust survivor.  She just turned 107 years old this month, November 2010, and has such an amazing story to share with you!

She grew up in Europe in a time when art, artist and music were highly regarded. Her mother was a close friend with Gustav Mahler, and Alice used to sit on his knee as a young girl (7 July 1860 – 18 May 1911 Gustav Mahler was a late- Romantic-Austrian composer and one of the leading conductors of his generation). 

Alice, herself, was a close friend of Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) Franz Kafka was a German-Language novelist, one of the most influential of the 20th century).

This is perhaps one of the most amazing women (human beings) you will ever come across.  You see Alice was a well know concert pianist in Europe, and then the Nazi's came into control.  Her mother and husband were both sent to a death camp where they did not survive.

Alice and her son were sent to a German concentration camp and as Alice says to this day, "Music, yes music saved my life."

Please enjoy this amazing youtube of a most incredible woman and be sure and send your family and friends to our blog so they may learn of her too.

As I checked on Nov. 4th there were over 700,000 views. As of this morning Nov. 5th there were over 1 million views. Take the time now to become one of the fortunate viewers.... this is a golden moment in your life... learn how this gentle lady has never hated anyone in her entire life and why...

She has changed my views! Here, watch the video as it does such a better job than I can even begin to:

Click Dancing Under the Gallows to view this incredible youtube video now!

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