Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Imagine Water

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to water lately. It makes up so much of our daily lives our bodies are largely water. The human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females. Fact is we simply can not live without it.

Ever sit along side a stream, a river or on the beach and just absorb the sights, sounds and smells around you? Watching the tides roll in and out, the streams forming over the rocks as they head their way back to the sea?

Ever consider how the stream, the river and the ocean are one system? The streams flow over the rocks and meet up to form the rivers which flow into the seas. The seas produce moisture that condenses in the atmosphere that moves inland and gets trapped by the mountains. The clouds drop rain which forms streams and the cycle repeats endlessly much like the tide changes and rhythmic surf coming and going on your favorite beach.

Point being it’s all water, it’s all connected and all continues in a rhythmic cycle.

Water has a way of seeking its own level. Water is capable of penetrating into the smallest of cracks and holes. Water seeks the lowest points on the planet not the highest points. Waterfalls are called waterfalls because they fall. Water naturally goes toward the lowest point without question. Water overcomes all obstacles by wearing them away, flowing around them or moving them.

Since we are so dependent upon water for our very survival maybe we should act more like it and even possibly stop polluting it.


Anonymous said...

You are very poetic in your postings, Norm. This is beautifully fluid :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Barbe

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