Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sierra Club Needs Our Help

The U.S. Forest Service in all its wisdom is considering opening up the Giant Sequoia National Monument for logging!

Are you kidding me? Sequoias are the most massive trees on the planet. Some are almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty and date back 3,500 years! This makes Giant Sequoias some of the oldest trees on Earth. Who in their right mind would want to allow logging industry anywhere near them?

We need to contact President Obama, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid now not later to finally bring real protection to the Giant Sequoia National Monument by transferring management from the U.S. Forest Service, which has shown little regard toward protecting this beautiful place, to the National Park Service, which will better preserve this natural treasure.

You can visit for more information and a petition request. Your can also check out the direct link to Sierra Club in "Links I Like".

Don’t let the few decide for the many, stand up and be counted!


Anonymous said...

I am shocked but not surprised! I am ashamed that we as a people continue to destroy Earth... our home! Thanks for raising awareness.

Unknown said...

We need to take our children to places such as these. They can grow up with them in their mind and souls.